Tuesday 30 March 2021

Excel Hack - Using a "Magic" Apostrophe to Force a Cell to be Text

In Excel you can prefix values in cells with an apostrophe to force Excel to interpret them as text.  Why do this you may ask?

To explain, let's say I want to enter James Bond's telephone number into a spreadsheet.  All I have to do is type 01234007007 (which everyone knows is his number) into a cell, right?  Wrong!  Let's see it in action.  First I type his number (numbers in the UK always start with a 0, that includes MI6 spies):

Because of the leading zero, when I press return, Excel strips the first 0 from what I've typed:

I can get around this by prefixing 007's number with an apostrophe (so a ').  Here we go:

In the image above you can see how the apostrophe is not visible in the cell itself but is in the formula bar at the top right.

Note you also get a little helpful hint warning you there's an apostrophe there.  If you hover over the exclamation mark you get a pop up that says "The number in this cell is formatted as text or preceded by an apostrophe".

So I often use the apostrophe trick for phone numbers or to put formatting in cells that Excel may complain about.  Say I want to write some text in a cell with several sub-points.  You can't do bullet points in a cell so I often prefix lines with a hyphen.  So I type this in:

Hit return and I get:

Oh no!  Because I start with a hyphen, Excel thinks it's a formula with a minus sign, can't interpret the rest of the formula and throws an error.  Put in a magic apostrophe and you get:

Again you can see the apostrophe in the formula bar (top right of the image) but not the cell itself.

Hope that's useful!

Sunday 28 March 2021

Excel Hack - Concatenating (Adding Together) Text in Different Cells

Sometimes in Excel you have values (generally text) in different cells that you want to piece together into a single cell.  In the example below I have a set of fruits and tasty things I want to join together into a single cell:

Lovely old Excel gives us two ways to do this.  The first way, and the one I always remember, is the "&" operator.  In the example below I've already put the formula in cell C1 and am showing the formula structure in cell C2:

The formula simply means "takes what's in cell A2, add a space to it, then add what's in cell B2".

The second way is the "CONCAT" formula.  Here's an example:

Here the CONCAT formula takes a set of cell references and actual strings and joins them all together into a single result.

For (Geek Dad style) fun I can first transpose the column B values to a row (using this method) and then use mixed references (explained here) to create a crazy set of food ideas:

The mixed references in the formula here are used to keep to column A and row 1 as you copy the formula to other cells.  Specifically:

  • $A2 - Keep to column A as you copy across columns, allow the row to increment as you copy down.
  • B$1 - Allow the column to increment as you copy across, keep the row as 1 as you copy down.

Resulting in:

Comment below if you've used CONCAT or &. 

Excel Basics - Paste Special + Transpose to Turn a Column of Values into A Row

Sometimes in Excel you have values lined up in a single column and you want to get all the values in a single row.  Maybe you want to create a matrix where rows and columns are compared with each other.

Here's an image with made up data to illustrate this:

Let's say I want all the values in column B to actual be across row 1.  So for example "Turnover" goes in cell B1, "Juice" goes in cell C1, "Split" goes in cell D1 and so on.  I could move them one by one but that would be a real pain, especially as the number of values in the column grows.  Instead I use Paste Special and Transpose.  Transpose is the fancy name for changing a row to a column and vice versa.

First, copy the values you want to transpose by selecting them, right clicking and selecting "Copy":

Next select the cell where you want the row of values to be Transposed to. In my case I want the first value in cell B1 so I select that.  I then right click and select "Paste Special...".  The form shown below comes up.  The part of the form I'm interested in is circled:

Tick the "Transpose" box then hit OK.  Lo and behold, what was in the column is now in the row!

You still have your original column of data but you can delete those values and start doing some form of row column comparison!

...and so on!

Note you can also transpose rows to columns.  Comment below if you use this feature!

Excel Hack - Error Checking

A wise person once said "To err is human".  Well Excel sometimes creates errors as well.  Luckily there's a built-in way to check for errors and deal with them.  A common error in computing is dividing by zero.  Here's an example:

Cell C2 shows the formula that's been used.  The "/" part of the formula is how you do divide in Excel and so "=A2/B2" means "take the value in cell A2 and divide it by the value in cell B2".  

You can see how in cell B5 there is the number 0.  In maths (or math for our American friends), a divide by zero is either called infinity or "undefined".  Either way, it can't be computed.  Hence Excel puts an error in a cell where you do a divide by zero, in this case "#DIV/0!".

You can test for a divide by zero using the "ISERROR" formula.  Here's an example:

So the formula "=ISERROR(C2)" simply means "look at the value in cell C2, if it's an error print TRUE, if it's not an error print FALSE".

You can then use an IF formula (see here for an explanation) to test for the error like this:

So the formula above says "look at the value in cell D2.  If it's TRUE print a blank cell, otherwise print the result of the division that was in cell C2.

In the above image I've applied the formula to row 5 where we have the divide by zero and it's come out as blank.  What to set the cell to where there is an error is a design choice.  For example:

  • Where there is a divide by zero error you could set the result cell to 0. However if you're also computing something like an average of the column overall you will get a skewed result.  (The average of 3, 3, 9 and 0 is 5.25, the average of 3, 3, 9 and blank is 7).
  • You could set the cell to something like "ERROR - FIX ME" then you can search and fix these errors.

What I've shown in the image above is something I often do in Excel to make things more maintainable.  Specifically there is one formula per column (so divide in column C, error check in column D, IF statement in column E).  

You can also chain together more than one formula in a cell like this:

In the above formula in column F we have a error check inside an IF statement.  The way to interpret the formula is:

  • So "ISERROR(A2/B2)" to first check if the result is an error.
  • If it is an error, make the cell blank.
  • If it is not an error, compute A2 / B2 and put it in the cell.

It's up to you how you choose to work.  You can use multiple columns to build up the logic one column at a time or do one big multiple formula entry in a single cell.  I choose the multiple columns option as it makes it easier weeks or months later when you come back to a spreadsheet and try and work out what you actually did!

There's also an "IFERROR" formula that does what I've done above in a single formula.  Additionally there's a bunch of other errors you can check for.  Have a play, see what you can come up with and comment below!

Excel basics - The IF Formula

Occasionally when using Excel you want to analyse the value in a cell and either calculate something differently as a result of the analysis or write something to a cell.  To do this, your friend is the "IF formula".  

Here's an example where I want to analyse the values in column A and write "TRUE" or "FALSE" to column B depending on whether the column A number is positive or negative.  In the image below I show some simple data I've setup in column A and where I've started typing the IF formula in column B to show the different elements of the formula:

Taking each element of the formula in turn:

  • logical_test - This is the test you're doing on the values in column A.  So for this formula I'll write "A2>0" meaning "test if A2 is greater than zero".
  • value_if_true - This is what to put in column B if the logical_test is true.
  • value_if_false - This is what to put in column B if the logical_test is false.

Filling out the first formula I now have:

...and copying the formula to the rest of column B I see:

Note how Excel has used it's clever relative references capability to update the formula as it's copied down to refer to the correct row.

So that's it.  Let me know in the comments below how you use the IF formula.

Excel Hack - Customising the Ribbon

The set of menus menu items across the top of the screen in Excel (and other Office Applications) is called the "Ribbon".  It's the area at the top of the screen that has a set of easy to access menu items for you to use.  Here's a snapshot of the ribbon with key parts picked out:

Here you can see:

  • A set of Tabs (Home, Insert, Data etc) which is top level grouping for the ribbon.
  • A set of Groups (Clipboard, Font, Alignment etc) which sub-divide the tabs
  • Commands (Bold, Italics, Underline etc) which are contained within the groups.  Usually a subset of commonly used things associated with a group.
  • A small downward pointing arrow that when clicked opens the main menu for that Group.  So in this example it will open the main Font menu with lots of extra controls over and above those shown in the ribbon group.

I commonly use the strikethrough command (which makes text look like this) but it's not in the Font group on the ribbon.  Hence I need to customise the ribbon.  I start this by right clicking anywhere on the ribbon and selecting "Customize the Ribbon...".  This brings up the form shown below.  It's quite a busy form so I've circled a key control you'll need to use:

I want to create new Group within the Home tab so I simply click the "New Group" button, and a new Group called "New Group (Custom)" appears under "Ideas" in the "Home" tab.  I right click on this, select "Rename", call the new group "Geek Dad", ignore where I can select an image for the group and click "OK".  I then click on my "Geek Dad" group and drag it up under the Font group.  

The form looks like this with my new group circled in blue and another area of the form we'll be dealing with circled in red:

You then click on what I've circled in red and change it to "Commands not in the ribbon".  Scroll down, find the command you want, (in my case strikethrough), click on it and grab it to your new group.  The form now looks like this:

...and the ribbon looks like this:

So go ahead; customise the ribbon to your hearts content for quick access to the controls you frequently use!  Let me know what you get up to in the comments below.

Saturday 27 March 2021

The Curious Power of the PowerPoint Morph Transition

 I've made many a PowerPoint presentation in my time and one feature that always seems to have a wow factor is the Morph Transition.  

Here's a super-simple example in action:

People say "Wow, you got objects to fly around the screen, that must be super complex to do".  Not so; I shall explain how.

So how do you do this?  Super, super easy.  First prepare your "base" slide, the slide that other slides will transition from.  Here's a simple example!

With this slide selected on the slide picker on the left, select the "Transitions" menu and the "Morph" transition as shown below.

Right click on the slide in the slide picker on the left and select "Duplicate Slide" to create a second copy of the slide:

Now edit this second slide by moving and re-sizing the drawing objects:

Put the presentation in slideshow mode, go from the base slide to the next slide and you can see how PowerPoint automatically animates the transition.

This has been an example using made up PowerPoint objects (and ugly ones at that!).  However in my working life I often use this Morph technique to tell a story during technical presentations.  

Say I want to describe a computer system with 4 sub-systems.  I would:

  • Prepare a slide with sub-system 1 on it.  The slide has graphic for sub-system 1 and a text description.
  • I add a Morph Transition to slide 1 and duplicate it.
  • On slide 2 I shrink sub-system 1, show sub-system 2, show how sub-system 1 connects to sub-system 2 and describe sub-system 2.
  • Repeat for sub-system 3 on slide 3 and sub-system 4 on slide 4.
  • Create slide 5 with all the systems together and a final message.

Real easy but has a big wow-factor.

Excel Hack - Lookup Tables Using the vlookup Formula

Here's an Excel hack that I use all the time: lookup tables.

In this previous post I showed how to use Data Validation to create a dropdown list in a cell on a worksheet where I log my fruit consumption.  Imagine I've been logging for a few weeks and have a spreadsheet with dates on it and what fruit I ate on that date.  I now want to log the number of calories each fruit has.  So my Fruit Worksheet looks like this:

Now I could lookup the calorie value of each on the internet and type it into each relevant cell.  But that would be a pain on this sheet as there are repetitions of the same fruit (for example 3 oranges) and will be a real pain as I enter more and more fruit.  Instead I setup a lookup table on my Lookup worksheet; it looks like this:

I then go back to cell C2 (the first calories cell) on my Fruit Worksheet to enter my lookup formula.  I start by typing "=vlookup(" in the cell and I see what's shown below.  Here Excel shows you all the different elements of the formula.

Oh my!  Looks a bit complex.  Let's enter a real life example and then break it down:

So let's match the Excel formula element to what I entered:

  • lookup_value becomes B2.  Meaning you're looking up the value from cell B2 (so Kiwi) in the lookup table.
  • table_array becomes Lookup!A2:B8 which means our calories lookup table is on a worksheet named "Lookup" in the cell range A2 to B8.  This uses the "!" method to refer to values on a different worksheet, as explained here.  
  • col_index becomes 2.  This means, when you've found lookup_value in the first column of the lookup table, you can find the value you're looking up in the second column.  This is useful if you have a lookup table with more than one value to lookup.  e.g. We could have a third column in the lookup table with colour in it and would use 3 as the col_index.
  • range_lookup becomes False.  This means don't do an approximate match on the lookup_value, do an exact match.  I always use False to make sure there is an exact match.  I guess you could use True (to get an approximate match) if you were unsure whether the spelling on the target and lookup tables was an exact match.

When I hit return to run the formula you can see the lookup has worked:

I then tweak the formula to make the lookup table an absolute reference (see here for an explanation).  Here the lookup table cell reference becomes $A$2:$B$8 which means wherever I copy the vlookup formula to on the worksheet, it always refers to the exact same lookup table.

Top tip:  To do this I select cell C2, go to the formula bar, select the cell range and press "F4".  This automatically put the $ signs in.  You can see this below:

With my absolute reference in place I can copy my formula down to all the other Calories column cells and the lookup works just fine!

So that's it for vlookup.  There is also a hlookup formula for where you have a lookup table with your lookup_value in a single row and the values you're looking up below it.  I've never used hlookup as a lookup table such as that shown above just seems "right"!!

Excel Basics - Referring to Cells on Different Worksheets

Sometimes in Excel, you're working on one worksheet and want to refer to a value in a cell on a different worksheet.  By way of example, in this post I described using a spreadsheet with an exchange rate on it to convert from home currency to local currency when I am abroad.  Here's a quick image to remind you:

Let's say I'm abroad but on business, not on holiday and I want to keep track of personal and business spending on different worksheets.  I'd use the worksheet above for personal expenditure and call it "Holiday Spends" and also setup another one like the one below for business expenditure.  Note I've not put the exchange rate on the worksheet because I want to use the one on the "Holiday Spends" worksheet.

A formula to use the exchange rate from the "Holiday Spends" sheet looks like this:

So what can we see here?
  • The C9 means "use the value in cell C9 on this worksheet.
  • The * means multiply
  • The 'Holiday Spends'!$A$2 means use cell A2 from worksheet "Holiday Spends".  Remember the worksheet name goes in single quotes and there's an exclamation mark between the worksheet name and the cell reference.
Note that you don't have to type that formula out yourself.  You can build it up by:
  • Clicking in the target cell for the formula (so cell D9 in the above example).
  • Typing the "=" sign
  • Clicking on cell C9 of the current worksheet
  • Typing the "*" sign
  • Switching to the worksheet with the cell on it you want to refer to and clicking on the cell.
  • Pressing the return key
  • If required, editing the formula to make the cell on the other worksheet an absolute reference.

Hope that's clear!

Excel Basics - Using the $ Sign for Relative and Absolute References (or "Sticking" to Cells)

When using Excel,  you often write a formula in a cell that refers to another cell. Here's a simple example:

It's pretty easy to understand:

  • There is a value in column A, row 1 and that is cell A1
  • There is a value in column B, row 1 and that is cell B1
  • There is a formula in column C, row 1 (cell C1) which is "=A1+B1" which means "add the value in cell A1 to the value in cell B1".

When I click away from cell C1, the sum of cells A1 and B1 is shown.  Easy!

Say I want to add up more rows with values on columns A and B.  First I enter all the values I want to add:

Then I just copy the formula from cell C1 to cells C2 through to C9.  This gives me:

What you can see above is that when the formula is copied to each row, Excel keeps the column letters the same (so A and B) but changes the row numbers.  So in the example above on row 9, it has copied the formula from cell C1 (which was "=A1+B1") and assumed you want to add up the values in row 9 and has made the formula ("=A9+B9").  

This is an example of Excel using relative references, i.e. it updates the formula relative to the row you copy the formula to.  Note, if you copy a formula across different columns of the same row then Excel will modify the column letter part of the formula.

"This is obvious!" I hear you cry.  But what if you want to copy a formula down rows (or across columns) and not have the row/column change.  Here's where absolute references come in!!

Imagine you're on holiday abroad using a local currency and you want to keep track of how much you're spending in your home currency.  You can type the exchange rate in one cell on the spreadsheet and use an absolute reference to use the exchange rate in every calculation.  Here's an example:

Cell A2 has the exchange rate.  So every 1 unit of local currency equates to 2 units of home currency.  I've logged all my local currency spends and in cell D5 have entered the formula to convert to home currency by multiplying by the exchange rate, (the * sign means multiply).

What can seen is that the formula is "=C5*$A$2".  So what do we have here?

  • The C5 is a relative reference.  When we copy the formula down to rows 6 through to 9, C5 becomes C6, becomes C7 and so on.
  • The $A$2 is an absolute reference.  When we copy the formula down to rows 6 through to 9, the $ signs means "keep the reference to cell A2".  We're effectively "sticking" the formula to cell A2.  Here we can see it in action:

As you can see the formula in cell D9 is "=C9*$A$2"; we've kept the link to cell A2, as can be seen in the calculation results in the cells above.

We can use these absolute and relative references in other ways.  Here's some examples:
  • =$A$1:$C$5 would be used in a formula that works across a number of rows and columns (so columns A to C and rows 1 to 5 in the example).  As you copy the formula into other cells on the spreadsheet it always refers to this range.
  • =$A1 is a mixed reference, the A is absolute, the 1 is relative.  This would mean that if you copy the formula across and down rows, the link to column A would remain but the link to row 1 would change.
  • You can also do the opposite of the above with something like =A$1, another mixed reference but one that anchors to row 1 and allows the column to change.
Hope that was useful!

Sunday 21 March 2021

Excel Hack - A Dropdown Menu in a Cell

Ever seen people use spreadsheets where they click on a cell and there's a drop down menu shown for them to select a value? It's a useful technique to make sure data is entered accurately into a spreadsheet.

Want to know how to do it?  Read on!  Here's how it looks when it's done:

As an example to show how it's done, I'm going to create a spreadsheet to log my fruit consumption.  I create a new worksbook called "fruit_logger.xlsx" and create two worksheets: "Fruit Worksheet" and "Lookup".  See this article for guidance on worksbooks, worksheets and renaming tabs.

On my Lookup sheet I add all the fruits I'm ever likely to eat in a single column:

I then go to my Fruit Worksheet and select cell A1.  I select the "Data" tab at the top of the screen, then in the Data Tools group I select the "Data Validation" icon, the one with a green tick and a no entry sign on it.  It's circled on the diagram below:

After clicking Data Validation the form shown below appears.  Under "Allow:" select "List".  Then click the up arrow button to the right of the box under where it says "Source".  It's circled on the diagram below:

A small box with "Data Validation" at the top appears.  Click on the "Lookup" worksheet, click on cell A1, keep the mouse button clicked and drag down until you've got all your fruit selected.  The data validation form now looks like the image below.  The "Source:" value of =Lookup!$A$1:$A$7 simply means, "look at cells A1 through to A7 on the worksheet called 'Lookup".

Click OK and you're back to your Fruit Worksheet.  Click into cell A1 and you can see the drop down list of fruits!

If you type anything that's not on the list into the cell you get this snazzy error message:

To have this drop down in more cells, simply copy cell A1 and paste it into the other cells where you want the list!

Comment below if this worked OK for you!